Monday, January 11, 2016

In makeing this cherry pie I used the biscuit method. According to the method you are sopposed to slowly cut in chilled fat it is important for the fat to be chilled so the crust stays flaky. The fat needs to be in pea size form this will be a flaky crust and fat in a cornmeal consistency will produce a tender but crumbly crust. The water added to the crust for moisture also needs to be cold so it does not melt the fat in the dough. When adding the water use a fork or pastry blender to add in so the dough does not get handled too much and warm up because warming up the dough will cause gluten to over devolp and that makes a the dough tough. When rolling the roll from the center to the outer edge lifting the edge it should be at lease 2 inches larger than the inverted pie pan to ensure there is enough dough to cover the pan if it rips when transportating do not reroll use your finger and extra dough. For this pie the filling was baked inside the pie this is called a double crust because there is a layer on top of you were not going to bake a filling inside with like a cream pie you would bake the crust separately poke holes in the crust to prevent puffing. I think that my product turned out pretty good and but I should have took more time for even top crust and to make it look more organized it tasted really good. And the crust was flavorful, tender and flaky.

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