Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Pizza Critique

Taylor Brooks-2

In class we were give three types of pizzas to taste and give our opinion on them.  The three pizzas were Homemade White Crust Pizza, Pre-made Crust and Frozen Pizza.

Homemade White Crust Pizza- The crust was crunchy but also very soft. The mozzarella cheese melted in your mouth when you took a big bite. When you bit into the pizza it was very thick and chewy, which is delicious by the way. When I smelt this pizza it smelt like my kitchen after my mom had just made hot lasagna, it smelt amazing. I would give this pizza a 8/10, I did not like the crust as much as I thought I would have.

Pre-Made Crust Pizza- This pizza had an over-abundance of red pizza sauce, which made it hard to enjoy the other components of the pizza. When I bit into this pizza it had a hard, crunchy crust and I could only taste the oil when it was in my mouth, it was very greasy. This pizza was my least favorite because of the over- whelming amount of sauce. When I have pizza I don't like a lot of sauce, I like to be able to taste the gooey cheese and the warm crust as well.

Frozen Pizza: Surprisingly the frozen pizza was my favorite out of all the pizzas. It was so crispy and crunchy I wanted to have 5 more pieces just so I could taste the crispness of the crust. It had the perfect amount of sauce, cheese everything. It melted in your mouth, it was pure perfection.

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