We sampled three different pizzas, but I found only one of the them satisfactory.
I found the homemade pizza to be the most appealing and flavorful, so i would rate it a 9/10. The crust was very fluffy and crisp. The crust was also able to to hold all the toppings and sauce without becoming soggy, which can't be said for the other pizzas. With the crust being a risen dough, the yeast gave it a very unique taste. I also experienced some spiciness, but that might have ben more from the sauce. The crust was slightly overdone but still retained a beautiful golden color. Out of the three pizzas, this one was the most aromatic. You could smell the yeastiness of the crust right as you are about to eat it. Overall, this pizza ranked fairly high on my list, nearing the rank of Black Sheep's Meatball Pizza.
On to the next pizza we tried, which was with the pre-made crust. When most people think of pre-made pizza dough, they think of a freezer-burnt and pale excuse of a pizza. But on the contrary, this crust was surprisingly not terrible, as I would rank it a 7/10. Sure, it wasn't the most amazing pizza in the world, but in a pinch for dinner, I'd make it. The taste of the crust was lightly cardboard like, but not some much that it overpowered the cheese and sauce. The color was significantly paler than the homemade crust, but obtained some sense of color. The aroma of this pizza crust lacked astronomically compared to the homemade pizza. There was almost no scent to it at all. The overall appearance was fine, there could have been more cheese in my opinion.
The last pizza we tried was the dreaded frozen pizza, which I gave a rating of 4/10. The crust had the consistency of wet cardboard left to dry out in the sun, very soggy and bland. The taste of the crust was old and bitter. The overall color of the pizza was very unappealing. There'd be a sad swipe of sauce here and a little pinch of cheese there. Then there would be random "sausage" pieces scattered about. The crust itself was completely white and pale, it looked almost undercooked. The aroma of the pizza was nonexistent. All in all, the pizza was the worst pizza out of the three we tasted. It also might be the most bland and sad pizza I personally have ever had.
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