Sunday, December 13, 2015

Home Study #2

Jessica Fagan
Hour 1
Strawberry Shortcake

Strawberry Shortcake

For this project I decided to make strawberry shortcake and the method I used to make this was the biscuit method. While preparing this dish I came across some difficulties, like at first the dough was very sticky and would get off my fingers so I added a little more flour to help it from sticking to everything. Other than that, the preparation of this dish went well. There was nothing that I really wanted to change in this recipe because I think it came out really good, and I liked how everything came together. I think the preparation of this product affected the final product was when I was making the dough and it became sticky and it really didn't come off as a dough so in the end the dough came out pretty flat, and I wish it came out thicker. 
The taste of the final product was really good, it was nice and sweet and had a nice orange taste to it also. The biscuits came out a nice golden brown, and were light and fluffy, the strawberries had a nice sweet juicy taste to them and the whipped cream complemented the strawberries really well. The smell of the final product was sweet, and the texture was nice and soft with a little crunch to it. Overall I think this product came out really well and I would make it again, and I would defiantly advise anyone to make this because its really good. What I learned from this experience was how to make, homemade whipped cream, because I never knew how to make it before. 

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