Thursday, May 30, 2013

Cake Pops

For this month I decided to make cake pops because the day I tried one in class I couldn’t wait to try and make them myself. That day I ran home from school and stopped at Cub for supplies, then got to work.
            The overall product turned out deliciously amazing and my family could not keep their hands off of them. The taste of the final product was extremely rich and chocolatey. The texture was hard on the outside, due to the hardened chocolate, however the inside was soft and creamy. The aroma of the product was fresh cake, right when the cake was done, but after they had been covered in chocolate they didn’t really have a smell. I’m not gonna lie, the appearance could’ve been better, but I figured it’s the taste that counts. After they were dipped in chocolate I put sprinkles on them, however two of the cake balls couldn’t get covered in chocolate because we ran out of enough. While baking this product, I was able to use a lot of skills that I had learned in class and was surprised at how much I had remembered. I made sure not to overmix the batter and greased my pan properly, although I didn’t have shortening at my house. I also used the video we had watched in class to help me make the cake pops. I also have to add that my favorite part of making them was crumbling up the WHOLE cake into a bowl, it was pretty fun. Also after I added the frosting into the crumbs it looked and tasted like a dough. However, I can’t bake something without there being any obstacle. I didn’t have the cake pop skewers or anything close to that to use to dip the cake balls into chocolate. Toothpicks weren’t the best alternative so I was forced to use my hands and got a little messy.
            Although I had to endure some struggles, I really enjoyed doing this project and am always amazed at how much I can apply what I’ve learned in class to everyday baking at home.

Recipe: I didn’t use a particular recipe, I just baked a yellow cake from a box then made them from memory from the video we watched in class
-Box of yellow cake
-Vanilla frosting
-Chocolate chips

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